USN Gold Button - 35 Line size with Hopperback or Bodkin for Service Dress White Choker Coat, Dinner Dress & Service Dress Blue Jacket.
The Navy button design consists of an eagle rising, with its wings down. The left foot is on the shank, the right foot on the stock of a plain Anchor, laid horizontally, and the Eagle's head faces its right. The whole is surrounded by 13 five-pointed stars and a rope.
- SDW Male Choker Jacket requires 5qty 35 ligne buttons with Bodkins 2qty .
- SDW Female Choker Jacket requires 6qty 35 ligne buttons with Bodkins.
- SDW Male Dinner Dress Jacket requires 4qty 35 ligne buttons with Bodkins 2qty 28-ligne buttons with chain.
- SDB Male Jacket requires 6qty 35 ligne buttons (3 Sew-On, 3 with Bodkins).
- SDB Female Jacket requires 4qty 35 ligne Sew-On buttons.
- Choice of Button with Bodkin Clip, or Sew-On Button
- Bodkin may vary; round, cotter pin, or long clip
- Sold individually
- Measures: 7/8-inch diameter wide
- Made in the USA
- Condition: Good, pre-owned/gently used unless marked as NEW or AS-IS.
Button sizes are recognized worldwide with L or "ligne" which is a French term to measure length. 1 Ligne or "line" = 1/40 inch (.025):
- 40-line button = 1" diameter (2.54cm dia)
- 35-line button = 7/8" diameter (2.22cm dia)
- 28-line button = 11/16" diameter (18mm dia)
- 22.5-line button = 0.56" diameter (14.22mm dia)